I thought with Thanksgiving 2 days away I could share some of the things I am truly grateful for. This is more for me than anyone else. I first have to say I can't believe this is our 7th Thanksgiving together, Barrett and I. Time flies! I am so lucky to have such a great man who is absolutely perfect for me. We definitely are a match for each other. I think we both knew it when we met, even at 17 and 18. We never wanted to be apart and then had to face distance for 2 years while he served a mission. We both grew so much while he was gone and most of all realized we didn't want to be apart. So then it began! Engaged 2 weeks after he got off the plane and married 3 mo. later. Life hasn't always been perfect but I am so thankful to have him with me through all the ups and downs. We have grown together and learned so much. I am so grateful to him for everything he does, everyday!! Thanks babe.
I am also so grateful for 3 beautiful,
Healthy, most of the time happy, children. Barrett and I have talked many times of the absolute miracle these children are, how lucky to have no major illness or problem of some sort. We Heavenly Father everyday for that. I am so glad to have the opportunity to be a mom and grow and learn about this sacred role of motherhood. What a special task Heavenly Father has entrusted me with, raising these kids. I worry everyday for them, but ultimately am just glad to have them here with me. I love there special spirits and different personalities. They are so different each one. We have been thrown for a loop with the latest, he is tough, from no sleep to never wanting Dad or to be put down. He is wearing us out. But his smile melts our hearts every time and reminds us it is worth it. We love them all and add that to the list.
Most importantly I have to give thanks for this amazing church I am apart of. The gospel is why we are here. We could not be here or get through any of this without it. I don't know how people do it without the peace I have due to my beliefs. I know I can be with my family forever and I know I am never alone. I have peace in times of fear, doubt and stress because of that. I love having this in my life and am so grateful to have the blessings as we live it.
I am grateful for all my family. I have 3 wonderful sisters and amazing parents who have made me who I am. What an example they are to me. I hope to follow in their paths. They have always been willing to talk and help me through any situation. They have always been so supportive my whole life. I know many people do not have strong families and I am so glad to have that in my life.
I could go on for hours but a few more to add then I will end. I am very grateful for a home to live in, food, clothing,and very very good friends.
In short I just wanted to share during this holiday some of my greatest blessings and I hope others will enjoy Thanksgiving and remember there blessings also!!!